Fictive Realities, Richmond Art Gallery

Gut Re-Actions
University of Washington - Bothell

Haunting USC
University of Southern California

Ectoplasmic Scream
Collaboration with Limbic Media

Hauntings – Haunting Doug Jarvis
Noxious Sector

Minding the Belly Brain
Centre for Studies in Religion and Society

Tran Spire
Second Life

Of Brains and Magnets – Japan Mix, Doug Jarvis
Noxious Sector

Perimeter Visions
Noxious Sector

Lazy Pointer Beamed
Harbourfront Gallery

Don't mind the revelation

Laser Lens Flares

Tran Spire Hairdoo paper sketch
Paper, hotglue, balsam wood, tape
3'x 1.5'x 1 '
· Tran Spire Hairdoo is a paper sketch of my Second Life avatars hairdoo.

Crackerjack hand puppet
Snack wrapper, wrist cuff
8"x 5"x 3"
· Cracker Jack hand puppet is an inside-out mylar snack wrapper that can be animated by hand gestures to look like a human face or animal head. The re-cycled packaging reverses the action of putting ones hand inside of the snack wrapper allowing the wrapper to talk back.

Black spot button
Black ink, button
Multiple, edition of 30
1 1/4" diameter
· Black spot button is a black ink drawing on white paper that can sometimes resemble a human head, a chicken or a topographical map. Each button displays a different drawing playing with the ambiguity of a seemingly abstract inkblot.

Magnetically Inclined
Ted Hiebert, Doug Jarvis
Wide format ink-jet photo prints, from series of 12 images
36" x 20"
· Magnetically Inclined is a Noxious Sector project collaboration with Ted Hiebert where we experiment with wearing rare-earth magnets in our toques to observe the effects on our brain activity as we explore our attractiveness to elements in Victoria's down town.

Wow! Tran Spire visits World of Warcraft.
Screen shot
· Tran Spire, my avatar in Second Life embarked on a journey to try and visit another online 3D environment, the World of Warcraft. The installation and tour consisted of photos and video documentation of actions in WoW and well as souvenir video capes. The video cape is an item in Tran Spires Op Art inspired fashion line for avatars.

Telekinesis competition
Noxious Sector project
Wide format ink-jet photo print
36" x 20"
· Telekinesis Competition is a Noxious Sector project collaboration with Ted Hiebert, and Jackson 2bears. We competed against another team to telekinetically influence the direction of melting candle wax onto our opponent's section of the game board. Our team was in Victoria, BC, the opposing team was in London England and the official game board was in Toronto, ON. We will be hosting the 2008 World Telekinesis Competition this summer in Victoria, BC.

Second Front avatar performance art group
Documentation of Exibart.onpaper Italian print article by Domenico Quaranta
· Tran Spire is my avatar and a founding member of Second Front , an avatar performance art group created by nine artists in Italy, England, Canada and the United States. We perform on a monthly basis in the online 3D environment of Second Life creating actions that critically play with the parameters and experience of virtual entities in networked communities and spaces.

Bamsey Franks ride the green wave
Grass, dirt, plywood, 2x4's
12" x 4' x 6'
· Bamsey Franks ride the green wave is an earthwork collaboration with David Gifford. We constructed a plywood ramp covered with sod that appears to continue through the front window of the gallery space.

It's all in my head
Artist book published by Perro Verlag Books by Artists
8" x 5"
· It's all in my head was published by Perro Verlag Books by Artists as a companion to my exhibit of the same name at the Access ARC Project space in January 2007.

If ears had walls
Colour Xerox photo prints, ongoing series
17" x 11"
· If ears had walls is an ongoing project that documents the action of putting my ear against different walls to visually imagine the shape and size of the wall based on what I am able to hear and feel resonating from the wall itself.

Hypercube Drop and Toss
Mary-Anne McTrowe, Doug Jarvis
Colour Xerox photo prints, series of four
17" x 11"
· Hypercube Drop and Toss is a collaboration with Mary-Anne McTrowe performed during the Future of Idea Art residency at the Banff Centre in 2006. Mary-Anne and I passed drawing's of a hypercube back and forth playing with variation on the theme. This version was created from 48 orange tissue paper tubes thrown into the air attempting to draw a hypercube. We performed this as a re-enactment of John Baldessari's series of photographs documenting his attempts to draw geometric shapes from balls being thrown up into the air.

Drop the ball

Dowsing for failure
Still image collage from documentation video of dowsing process used for selection of artworks in curatorial project
· Dowsing for failure was a curatorial collaboration with Ted Hiebert. We constructed dowsing rods from instructions found on the Internet to aid in the selection process of proposals submitted in response to an open call for works addressing failure.

Solar powered pen drawings

Double Rainbow

Shoot out the star game
multiple (edition unlimited), ink-jet iron-on transparency, T-shirt
4.5" x 3"
· Shoot out the star game is a t-shirt decal multiple created from a pellet rifle drawing done at the "Shoot out the star game" booth at the Sannich Fair, Vancouver Island, BC.

Gravity drawing
helium balloon, ribbon, Sharpie, note pad
dimensions variable,
· Gravity drawing is a drawing device that employs a helium balloon and gravity to create a single point ink spot drawing on a notepad of paper. The subsequent result is a stratified series of ink blots forming a three-dimensional drawing through the pages of the note pad.

installation view, two panel ink-jet poster, flip-book, metal chain
dimensions variable,
· How-To is an investigation into the public presentation of text signifying personal expression. Two different text passages were presented as posters in the gallery window to explore notions of subjective and objective interpretation. A flip-book containing Google searches of the terms contained on the posters was created to hang outside of the gallery door, accessible to viewers passing by.

Viewing Sphere

360º Video Armature
video documentation still, Galleria Mall, London, Ontario
VHS Video Camera, aluminum, leather, plexiglas, shopping bag, bricks
3' x 3' x 2'
· The 360º shoulder mounted armature construction allows a video camera to rotate entirely around the participants head balanced by a bag of bricks. The video recording could be viewed afterwards on a television monitor providing the opportunity to see a 360º version of ones head on TV.