WoW! Tran Spire visits World of Warcraft

Tran Spire, an avatar resident of Second Life (SL) is taking a journey off of the grid and into the World of Warcraft (WoW). Inspired by the early field work of Franz Boas and the ethnographic films of Jean Rouche Tran Spire is venturing into another realm to explore life beyond the Linden State. Utilizing participatory observation methods to immerse himself into the environment of WoW, Tran will be campaigning for avatar freedom to roam beyond the confines of ones proprietary metaverse. Tran is reaching out to residents of the World of Warcraft to recognize the limitations of avatar agency and to collect some awesome souvenirs.

Tran Spire will perform gestures and present artifacts from his inter-world journey to viewers who will be encouraged to participate in the rituals and customs observed and collected in WoW, experience the feeling of being in another world, and to engage the issues of avatar rights and freedom to travel beyond the limits of ones code.

Tran Spire is an avatar performance and fashion artist in Second Life. Tran is a founding member of the pioneering avatar performance art group Second Front.


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